You can fight to protect our children, our town, and our future.

Take Action Locally

The pipeline company knows that homes are too close to their compressor station and in order to expand their operations, they will need more land. They are attempting to purchase a parcel right next to the compressor station owned by the Town of Brookfield. Residents must make it clear to the town that we are saying NO.

Email the Brookfield Board of Selectmen and urge them to:

  1. Reject any land deal between the town of Brookfield and TC Energy 

  2. Request that DEEP reject the air permit application for the Brookfield compressor station  

  3. Speak out against the proposed expansion! 

(click here for contact list)

Take Action at the State Level

The pipeline company has applied for an air permit application to begin their expansion efforts in Brookfield. The state has not yet issued a ruling. Your voice can make the difference.

Call, email and write Governor Ned Lamont and urge him to:

  1. Publicly oppose the Compressor Station expansion

  2. Call on the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) to: 

  • Reject the air permit application for the Brookfield Compressor Station

  • Visit Brookfield and meet with residents 

(click here for contact form)

Call, email and write DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes and urge her to: 

  1. Reject the air permit application for the Brookfield Compressor Station

  2. Visit Brookfield and meet with residents 

(click here for contact information)

Call, email and write State Senator and Environmental Committee Chair Stephen Harding and urge him to: 

  1. Publicly oppose the Compressor Station expansion

  2. Request a state hearing on the problems with gas pipeline safety in Brookfield and Connecticut

  3. Request the CT Senate Environment Committee investigate safety violations from private pipeline operators

  4. Meet with Brookfield residents

  5. Call on the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) to: 

  • Reject the air permit application for the Brookfield Compressor Station

(click here for contact form)

Call, email and write State Senator and Energy and Technology Committee Co-Chair Norm Needleman and urge him to: 

  1. Publicly oppose the Compressor Station expansion

  2. Request a state hearing on the problems with gas pipeline safety in Brookfield and Connecticut

  3. Request the CT Senate Energy and Technology Committee investigate safety violations from private pipeline operators

  4. Meet with Brookfield residents

  5. Call on the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) to: 

  • Reject the air permit application for the Brookfield Compressor Station

(click here for contact form)

Take Action at the Federal Level

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has the authority to approve gas infrastructure. FERC and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHSMA) reports to congress on their actions. Your congressional leadership is responsible for representing your interests in DC. Use your democratic power to get this issue on their radar.

Call and email the Connecticut Congressional delegation and urge them to:

  1. Speak out against the project!

  2. Call on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHSMA) to conduct an investigation on the integrity of the TC Energy pipeline route

Senator Richard Blumenthal: 860-258-6940, 203-330-0598, 202-224-2823

Senator Chris Murphy: 860-549-8463, 202-224-4041

Representative Jahana Hayes: 860-223-8412, 202-225-4476